Photo of Bernardo Roquero Spain

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Born in Malaga in 1950. Study at the School of St. Elizabeth from Hungary (Sevilla) between 1968 and 1973. Bachelor of Fine Arts, Painting, University of Seville in 1973. Professor of the School of Plastic Arts and Design in Malaga since 1974. Catedrtico by oposicin in 1977. It is dedicated to posters from the years 1977 and 1980. Exhibition "The Paper" in Cambrils (Tarragona) in July 1979. Participates in a tribute to...

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Born in Malaga in 1950. Study at the School of St. Elizabeth from Hungary (Sevilla) between 1968 and 1973. Bachelor of Fine Arts, Painting, University of Seville in 1973. Professor of the School of Plastic Arts and Design in Malaga since 1974. Catedrtico by oposicin in 1977. It is dedicated to posters from the years 1977 and 1980. Exhibition "The Paper" in Cambrils (Tarragona) in July 1979. Participates in a tribute to Picasso's centenary with various performances in Malaga. VII Bienal de Marbella Collective October 1983. Exhibits at the Caja de Ahorros Provincial de Malaga in November 1983. Mediterranean Exhibition 'at the Bil-Bil Castle (Benalmdena) in July 1984. Collective Ingls Court Competition in 1984. Exhibition "Night" in the Savings Bank of Malaga Provincial in January 1985. Exhibition at the Castle of Bil-Bil (Benalmdena) in June 1985. University of Malaga Award at the Eighth Biennial Marbella, November 1985. Exhibition at the Ateneo de Malaga, "Susanna in the bath" in May 1986. Collective emerged in Malaga "in the Plaza de Toros de Malaga in May 1986. Collective Self Portraits "at the College of Architects of Malaga in May 1986. Collective 40th Anniversary UNICEF "at the Caja de Ahorros Provincial de Malaga in December 1986. Exhibition "Gothic" in the Exma. Malaga Provincial Council from January to February 1987. Exhibition in Alhaurn de la Torre (Malaga) in March 1987. Deputy Director of the School of Art in Malaga from 1982 to 1992. Exhibition at Torre del Mar in March 1995. Bachelor of Fine Arts, Environmental Design, University of Granada on April 17, 1995. Director of the School of Art in Malaga from 1996 to 2000. Doctor of Fine Arts from the University of Granada on October 16, 1997, with the TSIs "Modification of urban commercial zcalo." He has works in private collections in Malaga, Marbella, Seville, Cordoba, Almeria, Madrid, Orense, lbiza, Barcelona, Bilbao, London, Cologne (Germany), and Sternberg Gallery Chicago (USA).

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